
Atomic bomb

2024年6月25日 — Atomic bomb, weapon with great explosive power that results from splitting the nuclei of a heavy metal such as plutonium or uranium.

Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bombings killed between 129,000 ...

Countries with nuclear weapons

At present there are 9 countries in the world that possess nuclear weapons. They are: Russia; United States; China; France; United Kingdom; Pakistan; India ...

Nuclear weapon

A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission (fission bomb) or a combination of fission ...

Nuclear weapon

6 天前 — Fission weapons are commonly referred to as atomic bombs. Fusion weapons are also referred to as thermonuclear bombs or, more commonly, hydrogen ...

Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons are the most dangerous weapons on earth. One can destroy a whole city, potentially killing millions, and jeopardizing the natural ...

Nuclear Weapons History

The United States detonates the first hydrogen bomb at Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. It is 500 times more powerful than the Nagasaki bomb.

Nuclear Weapons

The United States also has an estimated 100 B-61 nuclear gravity bombs that are forward-deployed at six NATO bases in five European countries: Aviano and Ghedi ...


2024年6月25日—Atomicbomb,weaponwithgreatexplosivepowerthatresultsfromsplittingthenucleiofaheavymetalsuchasplutoniumoruranium.,On6and9August1945,theUnitedStatesdetonatedtwoatomicbombsovertheJapanesecitiesofHiroshimaandNagasaki.Thebombingskilledbetween129,000 ...,Atpresentthereare9countriesintheworldthatpossessnuclearweapons.Theyare:Russia;UnitedStates;China;France;UnitedKingdom;Pakistan;India ....